13 September 2008

Fucking Austria

While randomly Googling around about Austrian travel, etc., I came across this website, reveling in the hilarity of Fucking, Austria. It amuses me that the traffic sign to the village is frequently stolen. I doubt I will get to visit Fucking during my travels, but the photo-op would certainly be priceless!

06 September 2008

A Call to Action

Change is coming. I can feel it.

Even though this fall is going to be a ridiculously busy quarter with teaching, travel, and that pesky little nuisance of coursework, I will be getting involved with getting voters informed on the issues and out to the polls. I've been awash in the media clusterfuck surrounding the Sarah Palin nomination and stand by, aghast when she opens her mouth to speak for the Hillary Clinton supporters who will rally by her side, or how she has dealt with the old boy's club and plans to shatter that glass ceiling. WOW. She obviously is blind to see that the old boy's club is pimping her out to get votes for the old boy's party and support oppression by white capitalist patriarchy (pardon my bell hooks coming out, but it is so evident here). Due to this mess and that Ohio is as crucial as ever, I will be back to taking it to the streets as I did for Kerry in 2004. To those that scoff at grassroots organizing, this year's election could have the biggest payoff yet in grassroots campaigning than America has seen to date. Bring it on!